By default, BWG automatically zooms and pans the map to display all the property markers. You can configure the map layout to center on a specific point (lat,lng) and also a specific zoom.

In this example, we are zooming to a lat/lng in Truro, MA, but if you zoom out you’ll see that the property markers are all in Dennis, MA.

[bwg_idx_full_page cities=”Dennis” full_page_layout=”map-search-grid” map_zoom=”11″ map_center=”41.961952,-70.072721“] {display:none;}
.BWG-search-fields input {height: 31px;}
.BWG-search-fields select {color: #444;height: 31px;}
.BWG-search-fields {background: #efefef;border: #ccc solid 1px;box-shadow:#ccc 2px 2px 2px;margin: 10px auto;}